Fall Writing Craft Workshops

Fall is the best season for writing! Here are two craft classes for your writing pleasure.

Develop and Write YourScience Fiction Novel

taught by Terry Persun

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Start Writing Your Memoir

taught by Abigail Carter

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Science_fiction_tinyDevelop and Write Your Science Fiction Novel

Tuesdays noon - 2pm (PST) Watch live, or view the recordings later.

October 7th, 14th & 21nd

Taught by: Terry Persun

Cost: $249  >> register now <<


Why Take This Webinar Series:

Take this webinar if you’re ready to tackle that science fiction novel you’ve been thinking about, or if you’ve already written it and want to understand the genre better for your rewrite.

The great thing about a webinar such as this is that it applies to short stories as well as novellas and novels—and even sci-fi poetry. And, ultimately, a basis in how science fiction works will help with your fantasy novel, your techno-thriller, and any other writing you’re doing.

By the end of the 3 week program, you will:

  • Understand how and when to cover known technologies and when to fake it
  • Have decided on how you’re going to proceed with the focus of your novel
  • Know the critical areas of plot and character arc in your story
  • Be ready to finish writing or rewriting with a clear goal

Program Format:

This 3 week class consists of 3 live webinars. Each will be recorded, so if you can’t make the live session, you can watch the recording at a time that works for you. All registrants will have access to the recordings for at least one year following the class. Plus, you will have direct email access to Terry Persun if you have questions while working on your books.

For everyone who finishes, Terry will critique up to 5, double-spaced manuscript pages from your novel.

Program Schedule:

All webinars are held on Tuesdays from noon to 2pm PT. Webinars are recorded so that you can watch (or re-watch) them at a time that works best with your schedule.

      Webinar One (10/7):  World Building—Mixing Science Fiction with Science Fact

  • Learn how important knowing the technology is
  • Discover where to find accurate answers to your technological questions
  • Discuss how much technology is too little, enough, or too much
  • Learn the seven considerations for world building

      Webinar Two (10/14):  Focus Your Novel on the Right Details

  • Learn how to decide what your book is really about
  • Discover when the story actually begins and when it ends
  • Discuss multiple focuses and how they might affect the novel

      Webinar Three (10/21): Navigating the Plot of Your Novel

  • Learn how to separate your novel into three acts with ease
  • Discover ways to include subplots to your main story line
  • Discuss several other ways to segment your story


Terry holds a Bachelor’s of Science as well as an MA in Creative Writing. He has worked as an engineer, has been the editor-in-chief of several technology journals, and is now a marketing consultant for technical and manufacturing companies. He has published seven novels. His science fiction novel CATHEDRAL OF DREAMS won a ForeWord Reviews Book of the Year Finalist Award, and his historical novel SWEET SONG won a Silver IPPY Award. His latest science fiction space opera is HEAR NO EVIL.

Any questions? Please feel free to contact the class host, Kelsye Nelson, anytime. Ready to register? Just click here to register.



Start Writing Your Memoir

Wednesdays noon - 2pm (PST) 

Watch live, or view the recordings later.

October 8th, 15th & 22nd

Taught by: Abigail Carter 


Cost: $249   >> register now <<


Why Take This Program:

Have you always wanted to write a memoir, but didn’t know where or how to begin? This program will help you kick-start your writing in a fun, interactive way. By mining memories and using simple tools, you will go from wanting to write a memoir to actually writing one!

By the end of the 3 week program, you will have:

  • A list of topics for your memoir and a trove of new writing
  • Discovered a writing practice that works for you
  • Unearthed the hidden meaning behind your memories
  • Improved your understanding of voice, narration, point of view
  • Learned the difference between writing scenes and musings

Program Format:

This 3 week class consists of 3 live webinars, two online lab sessions, plus a checklist of homework tasks to do each week. The webinars will be recorded, so if you can’t make the live session, you can watch the recording at a time that works for you. All registrants will have access to the recordings for at least one year following the class.

The program also contains two optional online labs where you may showcase your work, ask the instructor more questions and receive direct input and feedback from your peers. Labs are held on Saturday  from 10am to noon.

You will have direct access to Abigail via email to ask questions along the way while you are working on your tasks.

Everyone who finishes the program will receive a completion award and a collection of goodies donated by various businesses and service providers. 

Program Schedule:

All webinars are held on Wednesdays from noon to 2pm PT. Webinars are recorded so that you can watch (or re-watch) them at a time that works best with your schedule

Webinar One (10/8 )Collecting Memories

Memoir needs a place to start, so the best place to begin is to write about your own memories. In this session, we will talk about memory in memoir, honesty, voice, and begin setting down some of those memories on paper. Come prepared to write (either on a computer or by hand) and have a large sheet of paper you can draw on. It will be more fun if you have some colored pencils or markers as well. By the end of this session you will have your first free write, a list of memories to write about in your free time and a clearer understanding of where your story might be going.

Saturday Lab #1 ( 10/11) Project Check-ins (optional)

Share with your classmates the wonderful work you’ve done so far, while using this time to ask the instructor questions, see more examples and hear how other authors are solving the same issues you may encounter.

Webinar Two (10/15 )Mind Maps and Memory Maps

We will turn your list of memories into visual aids that will help you to see connections in your life that you may not have noticed before. Keep your large paper and colored pens handy. We will use them to go deeper into your memories to mine for compelling material. You will learn to let go of your editor brain and find your creative voice.

Webinar Three (10/22): Tools of the Craft

We will now take some of those mined memories and apply some craft to them. Learn the difference between writing narration and scene, understand your narrator’s voice and point of view, and learn the art of painting with words.

Saturday Lab #2 (10/25 ) Wrap Up (optional)

Led by Abigail. One last chance to share with your classmates the the progress you made during the class. Use this time to ask questions and make connections.


Abigail wrote The Alchemy of Loss: A Young Widow's Transformation (HCI, 2008) as a form of catharsis after her husband’s death in the World Trade Center on September 11th, 2001. She also wrote and self-published a novel, Remember the Moon in 2014. Her work has also appeared in SELF magazine, Reader’s Digest Canada, MSN.com and MORE.com and she maintains a blog at www.abigailcarter.com

Any questions? Please feel free to contact the class host, Kelsye Nelson, anytime. Ready to register? Just click here to register.

Join me at the Adventures in Writing Treehouse Writers Workshop Sept. 21! Details
NEW WEBINAR Thursday! Sell More Books on Amazon with 7 Tweaks RSVP