In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about your happy place.


In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about your happy place.

(Leave your story in the comments below.)

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George Upper

10 years ago

Pulling the covers over my head.


10 years ago

Her stories become vaults. Place keepers.


10 years ago

Gorgeous costume museum in Bath, UK.


10 years ago

Always with my wife and kids.

Michele Trimarchi

10 years ago

Siracusa, the cradle of my happiness


10 years ago

Happiness is where my home is

Jen Govey (@JenGovey)

10 years ago

In a garden I will be.


10 years ago

He escapes by placing the ink.

RK Funderburk

10 years ago

Eyes closed, relaxed in own mind.