In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about an eccentric artist.


Writing prompt: In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about an eccentric artist.

Leave your story in the comments below.

Tip: The first time you leave a comment on my blog I manually approve it before it goes live.
After the first one, publication is instant.

Fun photo fact: Salvador Dali, Mia Farrow and Amanda Lear -circa 1969. (Swoon!)

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Created by RCW

8 years ago

"You're mad," the mirror screamed.


8 years ago

Scars on the medium of skin.

Ray Sanders

8 years ago

All proceeds went to mustache maintenance.

Jacki Lippman

8 years ago

Without regard for peace, you ripple.

Pamela Gibson

8 years ago

Used blood instead of red paint.

Tara McMillen

8 years ago

He painted his pants for fun. #6words #6wordstory


8 years ago

I prefer eccentric, to crazy.

Jacki Lippman

8 years ago

Grandma was crazy. I'm just colorful.


8 years ago

See! Organized strokes created this masterpiece.


8 years ago

He painted himself into the corner. #6words

Alec Berg ?? (@alecberg)

8 years ago

He stepped into the elevator.