In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about an evil genius.


Writing prompt: In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about an evil genius.

Leave your story in the comments below.

Tip: The first time you leave a comment on my blog I manually approve it before it goes live.
After the first one, it's instant.

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8 years ago

He understood the devastation...didn't care.

Scott Rainey

8 years ago

Good Morning Captain America!


8 years ago



8 years ago

Subjugated everyone, except true nemesis: reflection.


8 years ago

He understood the devastation....didn't care.

David McGowan

8 years ago

Five words destroyed the library.

David A. Norris

8 years ago

"Not money, for power," he said.

David A. Norris

8 years ago

He looked at the President, smiling.

G. S. Oldman

8 years ago

Hey, it worked for Sinatra, right?

Anumita Bhattacharya Goel

8 years ago

The mirror revealed her identity!

Anuradha C

8 years ago

I think. Therefore, I destroy.


7 years ago

Everything was fuel for her fire.