In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about an experiment. (#6words kickoff!)

Many of you answer my six word story challenge prompts on Twitter. Your creative responses have given me great pleasure. Some stories turned out shockingly insightful, others made me laugh out loud. However, I often hear from followers that you wish you could see all the responses. Let's try an experiment to make that easier.

I will post the six word challenge here on my blog. Please leave your story in the comments below. Let's see how this goes! First prompt....


In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about an experiment.

(Leave your story in the comments below.)

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10 years ago

And here's mine to get us going....

She decided green skin becomes her.

Phoenix Grey (@phoenixgrey85)

10 years ago

The explosion was heard for miles.

Alana Mautone (@RamblinGarden)

10 years ago

Experiment failed. We're dead. Goodbye humanity.

Marion Chadwick (@MarionChadwick)

10 years ago

It worked. She lived. She breathed!


10 years ago

A dog is not a horse.


10 years ago

One last human raised by monsters.

Amy Bride

10 years ago

It's alive! Hang on...scratch that...


10 years ago

She tentatively swallowed from the vial.

Simon Williams

10 years ago

I tried. I did my best.

Daiikiru Akasha Maximillion

10 years ago

The test tube is a tunnel.

Running 'N' Reading

10 years ago

Excited about baking cookies; forgot flour.

Yoni Hammer-Kossoy

10 years ago

Take two - flies with curly tails.


10 years ago

Flesh digested transition complete now escape

Simon Williams

10 years ago

Sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry sorry


10 years ago

Turned out red, not blonde.


10 years ago

His stupid experiments made him crazy.


10 years ago

Ate the chocolate, off the diet.


10 years ago

The sun rose today, she couldn't.

Chris Cantley

10 years ago

The chemicals exploded viciously when mixed.

John McLellan

10 years ago

The Light should have created heaven


10 years ago

He leaned in and kissed her.


10 years ago

I said, "I do," why not?

Jonathan Shipley

10 years ago

I am now a cuttlefish. :/

Stuart Farquhar (@WStuartFarquhar)

10 years ago

Sarah Palin. has to be, surely?

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