In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about getting detention.


Writing prompt: In SIX WORDS or fewer, write a story about getting detention.

Leave your story in the comments below.

Tip: The first time you leave a comment on my blog I manually approve it before it goes live.
After the first one, it's instant.

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Andy Hollandbeck (@4ndyman)

8 years ago

Mrs. Brightly handed me my pants.


8 years ago

Innocent bystander, I refused to rat.

Shennon Helms

8 years ago

It was so worth every minute!

Jenn R-J (@jennfel)

8 years ago

Pulled the fire alarm, in Kindergarten


8 years ago

This good girl doesn't get detention


8 years ago

Spit balls aren't funny, I guess.

Shobna Iyer

8 years ago

Not unless you make shapes with them


8 years ago

I said it wasn't my fault.

Scott Parson

8 years ago

Shirtless Fridays isn't a thing yet?


8 years ago

I responded aloud to the voices.

Shobna S. Iyer

8 years ago

Write 100 times. Makes curly doodles


8 years ago

"Teacher hates me!"
"Chair glue?"

Hsieh Reasol

8 years ago

It's a free after care.