Why publish a book?


Did you know that a New York Times survey found that 81% of Americans either plan to write a book or have already done so?

You may be painfully aware that writing a book and publishing a book are two very different accomplishments.

Writing provides great personal satisfaction. However, it’s when we share our stories with others that our work takes on a new life.

The past few weeks, I interviewed 43 writers aspiring to publish their first books. When asked why they were motivated to take the big leap into publishing, they gave brilliant wonderful answers.

Do any of these sound like you?

  • I just want to show myself I can do it. Writing and publishing a book has been on my bucket list for decades.
  • I love the idea of even a few people reading my stories and feeling a connection. 
  • Maybe I won’t become a millionaire, but my book will establish my authority in my field and attract new clients.
  • I really want to walk into a bookstore and see my book on the shelf! 
  • I wrote my memoir to tell the truth about my struggles. If I don’t publish it, there’s no way I can help other women going through similar experiences. 
  • My story is good! I know there are people out there who will love it. 

Tim Cahill, founding editor of Outside magazine had this to say:

  • Publishing your work is important. Even if you are giving a piece to some smaller publication for free, you will learn something about your writing. The editor will say something, friends will mention it.

Or perhaps you agree with Sylvia Plath who remarked:

  • Nothing stinks like a pile of unpublished writing.

Ready to realize your goal? Now’s the time to clear out your desk drawers (or computer folders) and get your work out into the world where it belongs!

I invite you to join my online course How to Self-Publish Your First Book. This course is specifically designed for those of you that need a lot of basic help to navigate the indie publishing world.

The publishing process doesn’t need to overwhelm you. Gain a clear understanding of what it takes to be an indie author. Confidently advance your project from rough manuscript to published book. Experience the satisfaction of holding your finished book in your hands and the joy of hearing from your first readers.

Through my work with Writer.ly, at the University of Washington and as a publisher, I’ve witnessed first-hand the thrilling moment when writers become authors. Man, that’s powerful stuff — the tasty fruit of dreams, effort and heartfelt aspirations. I would be so honored to work with you in my class and get to be a part of your transformation from “aspiring author” to “author.”

To reward you for bravely claiming your intention to publish, you’ll save $150 when you sign up right now. 

IMPORTANT: This weekend preview deal ends Sunday night. 

>> Click here to claim your spot in the self-publishing class now.


Why publish a book?

I would love to hear your reasons. Leave a comment and let me know!

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Learn exactly what you need to do in order to take your work from rough manuscript to published book. Online course delivered over 4 weeks. Watch the recorded sessions on your own and join the live sessions for direct help.

Click here for How to Publish Your First Book course info.

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